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ジップ ZIP カラオケダイニングルーム ジップ ZIP カラオケダイニングルーム
住所:東京都文京区湯島3-41-12 ウエノ11ビルB1~3F(1F受付) 別館:上野2-3-1Saviniビル



Hello... again (?)

haha has been a while since i wrote in the blog....

Twitter is my addiction now LOL

well just wanna put 2 photos...

1 is the sky ドキドキ I loved it~ this morning hahaha



& this one is cuz 2 days ago was the Bday of my little
cousin !!!!! ケーキ

hahahaha her name is Mariel & is a really cute and sweet girl :3

love her~~~


lalalalallalala 音譜

i guess i need to write more often =w= promise

C ya~~

xoxo~~ ラブラブ
