Octo-Luka Pluishies x3 | goodsmile company Mikatan's Blog English Version

goodsmile company Mikatan's Blog English Version


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フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

Aaaah, aren't they just adorable?!

They're amazing! Absolutely amazing!! I'm going to capture them all ASAP and keep them all at my desk!!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

As you might have guessed, we're going to be playing with these little cuties today!

It's Gift's...

'Octo-Luka Plushie'!

The original illustrator helped with production and supervising, and idutsu, the creator of the popular Nico Nico Video, "Hagire no Renkinjutsushi" also helped out, allowing Gift to make sure they had grasped absolutely all of Octo-Luka's charms when they designed the plushie! ♪

As you can see, there are three different expressions!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

This is how they look from the back!

Uwaa! The tentacle arms and legs are so big and fluffy! They're also made from a very soft material, which just makes absolutely lovely to hold!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

Let me introduce them one-by-one...

First up we have the Smiling Ver.!

Her gracious little smile is stunning!!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

Next up is the Drooling Ver.!

This one is cute for a whole different reason... just by looking at her I feel all tingly inside... that "Huh?" kind of expression is so suiting for her!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

And finally it's the Kyaaa! Face Ver.!

I feel like I need to give her some food.... does anyone have some food for the little Octopus Luka?!

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Anyways, they are ALL really cute!!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

This is how they look underneath!

If you look carefully at the arrow, you'll see there is a small little handle on the stomach, which can be used to do this...!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

You can join them all together!!

It's quite bizarre how well they manage to blend in with the plants...

The straps that join them together can also be removed.
That way if you just want to display them alone, they look great that way too!

Not to mention...!!
フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

There are magnets in their legs!!

You can stick Octo-Luka onto anything metal!

That way it looks like she is crawling along the walls like a real octopus! What a great idea! ^^

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

How about on the fridge!?

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But try not to mistake her for food!! ^^;

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

They can even hold hands!

You can even use the magnets to connect them together like this! One of them alone is already ridiculously adorable, but when you string all three together like this, it's almost unbearably cute!! This is definitely one of the first plushies that has had this many different ways to play with. ^^

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

I think once she has been released, this is one pose that everyone has to recreate in plushie form!

Here is Octo-Luka together with the Nendoroid Plus Plushies:

Luka Megurine and Miku Hatsune!

Both of them are getting resale announcements on the same day Octo-Luka is announced!

You just have to display Octo-Luka on Luka's head, it's just so cute. :P

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

Who is taller?!

Ah-hah! It seems the Octo-Lukas are the winners!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

Octo-Luka Plushie! (Shoulder Size)

with the 'Drooling Ver.', 'Smiling Ver.' and 'Kyaa! Face Ver.'.

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They are due to be announced on the GSC site soon!

Check out our partner shops for pre-order details or questions.

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』
Bonus Scene!

I think that Octo-Luka has finally found a friend of the same species. ^^;

Whether you've noticed or not, it's already Friday!
So once again thanks to everyone for reading my blog again this week, hope you all had a great week!

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I couldn't resist posting it again. I adore this ACII Art. ^^;

It's... just.... so.... cute....! Just look at his claws coming out!

Right, I'm passing on the baton to Asanon . (・∀・)ノ━ ← Baton
I hope to see you all next week again!

* Please note that this blog's contents isoriginally written for a Japanese audience and is then translated forour foreign customers. All pre-order and release dates are the Japanesedates. Also note that not all products can be sold in certain areas

(C)三月八日/Crypton Future Media,Inc.
(C)Crypton Future Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED