Stay Stronger 〜敵が力を持たない〜

Stay Stronger 〜敵が力を持たない〜

The Official Blog of Fujiko Yna

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After i getting very so busy on 4 weeks ago in month of May...

But last week i have a sore throat and my palate of the near my parts of esophagus is very itchy... 

That's because i drinking and a lot of hot & cold drinks very much, so this the reason for that... 

And after i get a sore throat, i have a colds, runny nose, clogged nose, sneezing and a little cough too.... 


Well, i need get more rest right now....

(_ _。)

( ̄Д ̄;;
私ああ~ ( ̄Д ̄;;

My looks is really haggard & tired after my guitar lesson in tutorial school this earlier... 

So this weekend, i need a little more rest for awhile easily... (・_・;)
