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Confronted with my name lauren Polo Ralph Lauren UK mean Lauren is a girl's name and is of a latin source.It is evident law ren.Title lauren means bay or laurel plant, from the latin name for the plant itself.It is the feminine version of the name lawrence or is a version of the name laura.The earliest form of the name is laurentia and probably comes from a period at about the time of the early romans. The name was made popular by lauren bacall in the 40s as well as from the designer ralph lauren more recently, which has give it Ralph Lauren Womens Shorts a fashion union and perhaps has a lo to do with its popularity.The name lorna is also a kind on lauren and there are 33 other variants of the name;Laren, larentia, larentina, larenzina, larren, laryn, larryn, larrynn, larsina, larsine, laurence, laurenne, laurin, lauryn, laurynn, loren, lorena, lorene, lorenn, lorenza, lorin, loryn, lorne, lorren, lorrin, lorrynn, lourenca, lourence, loren, lowran, lowrenn, lowrynn but l'wren. It is the 162nd most popular name for a woman in the usa and is also a common surname.The names popularity has grown rapidly in the last 80 or so years and really took a leap in the 80s upon the rise of the ralph lauren fashion brand. Beyond the usa, the name has seen a drop in fame, particularly in australia where it dropped from the top 10 names for girls right out Ralph Lauren Outlet: of the top 100 between 1998 and 2008. The name is still popular in many of the larger western world, mainly due to its funky links.It has suffered a decline in many and has dropped out of the top 10 names for girls within the last few 10 years or so.But once i was this post, i kinda begin to like to have the name lauren, i mean it feels like it explains me would definitely be a.I am violent, enjoyment, bold,(Unclear about pretty), I have honor in whatever i do, I'm always crammed with ideas, My buddies say the respect me, I'm a bit of a klutz but when if I'm doing if I show horses to other people I seem to float, Like when dancing or skate boarding.So i just wanted to thank everyone who has posted what my and others name means.So thanks to you. : )Bears The name lauren pronounced as law ren is of latin origin and means the laurel tree symbols of glory, honor and glory in roman times.The name has possible descended from the roman name laurentia, the feminine form of title lawrence. The name is also regarded as related to the irish name lorcan which means brave and fierce. It is a variant of title laura;Its other kinds are laurence, lorenza, lauryn and in addition loren.A number of famous celebrities have the name lauren among whom mention may be made of actress lauren Cheap Polo Ralph Lauren bacall, designer ralph lauren and first daughter lauren bush.

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