The Giants of March
Impressions after reading

First half masterpiece, second half mediocre
This work consists of the first part up to volume 22 and the second part from volume 23 to volume 34. 
The first part is pure fun and thrilling. The story is meticulously constructed and overwhelming. And what makes it brilliant is the mystery novel-like taste. The reader is always challenged by the author. "Do you know what's going on here? "Do you know how to solve this problem? And each of them is so well done that the reader is always defeated by the author. The story builds and builds toward a climax, and ends with a exiting climax. It was entertainment that I can't complain about.

As for the second part...
I have to admit that I had to fight with a lot of anger rising up inside me when I read the second part. In the beginning of the second part, there is a world-famous rich man of the same race as the main characters. The world is driven by money, and such a rich man had the power of influence, the problems that the protagonists are facing would be easily solved diplomatically. His actions are very unreasonable and seem to be driven by the convenience of the story. It is similar to the Meiji Restoration in Japan. If you have studied it a little, you know why Japan was not occupied by other countries. Why wasn't the country that still had flintlock rifles and no railroads or iron ships attacked and destroyed by the West? There is a clear answer to this question. The island where the protagonist is there has far more advantages than Japan did at the time. For example, the power of giants, technology, a rich foreign family, and energy resources. If the whole world is at war over energy resources, how much of an advantage does this country have? Somehow, a company, a country, will try to monopolize trade. They can use diplomacy to their advantage as much as they want. Besides, It is the actions of the protagonist's brother that annoys me even more. It is good that there is a man who think the way. However, I don't think that many people will agree with that person. If an organization were to be formed based on the ideas of that person, they would surely be caught  or informed. This story was written with a great deal of reality, and I was annoyed by the author's over-convenience in this area.
Furthermore, this story depicts the war too much. There are too many repetitions of "you killed my family..." and such. It's okay to have a few scenes like that. But most of the second part of this story is about that.  I don't think people who haven't experienced war should be writing about war, because they will never know how the people who have experienced war feel. The way the story ends is also not satisfactory. How can the love of a woman who is a distant ancestor of the main character be linked to the love of a woman living in the present? I don't think that part of the story was well written. The whole story of the second part is so complicated that it needs to be read twice to be understood.  It makes further amplifies the reader's frustration.
Therefore, I can't give a high evaluation to the second part of the story . On the other hand, it would be unfair not to give credit to the author for finishing this long story without losing concentration. When a story is conceived, the ending is determined to some extent. It is not always possible to change it even with the power of the author. The first part of the story was so long that it would be strange if you make the second part short and crisp. That's why it needed to be as large as this. It was the author's job to draw it out, and I think it should be commended that the author did a great job.
The overall evaluation is that this work is generally very well done. So I recommend it to all manga, novel, and TV drama lovers all over the country and the world. Buy this manga in its entirety. If you can understand the whole story after reading it once, you must have a genius memory. You should buy it and read it twice.