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Jamie Bacon Loses Appeal of Gun Convictions

Court of Appeal that 10 gun convictions should be overturned because his rights had been violated by a Surrey provincial court judge.

Lawyer David Layton said the four loaded guns and magazines found accidentally by police in a secret compartment of an SUV Bacon was driving should never have been admitted at the trial.

You remember the convulated series of events there was a shooting targeting the youngest Bacon son as he arrived at his parent Surrey rental home in April 2007. He fired back as the gunmen fled. His mom called 911.

Police came to investigate and did a walk through of the house.

At the time, the RCMP had already gotten a warrant to put a GPS device on the SUV in question in connection with another investigation. They decided to use the shooting investigation to install the device. As they were doing that installation, they found the compartment with the guns. Information used to get the tracking device was later edited out of the warrant, which if it had been done earlier, would have made the warrant invalid. That was the basis for Bacon challenge.

He lost and the conviction stands, though he can Infrared 3s still appeal up to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Your punch the keys as if you know what is going on, and yet faulted. You made the mistake Jack off or whatever you call yourself now of giving who you are away. I know who you are where you grew up and how you know what you know. To confirm what i Infrared 23 3s For Sale say, i have a number for in which only you would know and tattoos it on yourself. As Jordan 3 Infrared 23 usual, Just when you think you have got it it makes no sense.

To the first blogger to break it get the answer to any question he or she wants(with out breaking bans) i personally promise. Get your think going i am boarding a plane in 2 hours. And no this is not a joke.

As much as I have liked some of your post, you seem out of touch here. There is a code, You don't talk to cops, no matter what!

Not entirely true. High up guys rat (or have people rat) on their competition that they cant touch all the time. And I do think that those that came forward (surrey 6) did the right thing but lets not build them up to be some kind of heroes.

And bullshit about Anton finding Jesus, he was a full fledged drug addict who was at rock bottom when he made his move. He had no problem killing John Lahn (self defense or not) if he had an ounce of remorse in his body that might be the time to get a real life. Instead he terrorized people for almost 10 more years (quite) possibly having involvement in more unsolved murders. If he really found god you can bet your life that more unsolved murders would be solved. And most of the comments do not have anything to do with Jaime Bacon its mostly a battle between who has the best story or the odd actual real one. But all of these my games need to stop this gang war is not funny and people involved should stay out of getting into arguments on a blog. Just wait a see what happens in court and you should not forget Jamie Bacon is done, like never getting out, Jon is dead, like dead and Jarrod is done like stuck in jail for a while and when he gets out he will not live long. That is if the police do not charge him with a new case and they just maybe be doing that already. If Gangsterism is a crime then and RS member could be a target for this charge so i would be careful its a stiff sentence.

PS Kim start a new blog or at least one more current about these groups killing each other.

To get this blog going doing anyone know how Jaime got started in this? who taught him, how he went from teenager to gangster? How he met and joined RS how he met Anton and the rest of that stuff, fill in the blanks, also is Jaime suspected in more hits? Like the UN guys who got charged the police have done a great job, interesting no gangsters have been killed in a while

Sorry guys, but the news is the news. And if it is slow, it slow. I have a couple of big things I am working on. But they are likely not going to come out until the fall. The fall will be busy we have the start of trial in the UN case in Sept, the trial of the cops charged in the Surrey Six investigation, the end of the Greeks case and more. The Surrey Six trial is now slated for early 2013.

And I am taking a month off as of Friday so will get the comments shut down on here so I can a) enjoy a holiday with my family b) get going on a book project.

I encourage everyone to take some time away from the computer this month and enjoy summer!

Did a big gangster get charged and is going to be charged is that what your saying? I am curious now as to what gangsters your talking about it must have be someone charged recently was it DL? Or someone on the same level as him? Because i have not heard of any gangsters getting their passports taken? Got initials? i do not think Kim could take that down. Just curious.

PS Jank off your a very confused person, leave Jenny604 alone. Kim already said she was not who you thought and your post does not make any sense.

I did not go anywhere i am mulling over the posts. Blind Sheep is dumb and thinks his posts are gods gift to man but he is just a retarded half wit and he calls me out but what did he say with value. Fuck Jenny, Jennifer or Jenna or whatever that cunt calls her self now after fucking every gangster making money and then pretending she can fly that pussy flag over Reflex and be a new bitch. Gold digging is a gold digger she dated my buddy and is nothing more than a hole to fill with jizz and then drip it on her make up caked face off farmer. Go play with shreck.

They ARE piece of shit rats. Despite their claims they are only testifying against their friends because the walls were closing in around them and they did it to save themselves and even profit just a little bit more.

I would have respect for the rats if they had some courage and called off the hit due to the innocents being there. Too little too late and for the wrong intentions (in my opinion of course)

Dont get me wrong, i think its great people like Mrs. Mohan will get some closure but it isnt going to bring her son back. The rats arent good people trying to do good deeds, Infrared 3s For Sale they are as selfish as ever and were just the first to jump off the sinking ship.

Again Im glad the innocent families will get closure but Im pretty sure this case would have made trial regardless. I dont think anyone deserves to be killed but I knew Eddie Narong as eddie it was well known (convicted for manslaughter) he was involved in killing a 16 year old kid right before RS (original, not bacon bros) was formed. His father was later executed so one can guess the apple didnt fall too far from the tree, although to my knowledge he was never convicted of anything noteworthy so I am NOT accusing him of anything but simply adding one plus one

Yeah the RS guy killed at 6 were complete and total violent sociopaths the world will not miss them. The problem is those oxy junky retards also killed 2 innocent people which led to ratting as they actually had remorse once they sobered up. The killing of the two innocent victims also spurned the police into action as normally they would not care about gangsters dying but once you get a bystander it game over, they come at you with everything.

So, future gangsters: don kill people not in the game, you may not wind up in jail. Not like there a rush to convict whoever killed JB, Dip, Naicker, or OG cheema. Cops prob gave up on those cases immediately after bodies were picked up.

As much as I have liked some Infrared 23 3s of your post, you seem out of touch here. There is a code, You don talk to cops, no matter what!