Not Mines, But Flowers pt1 | 英語ファン!

Not Mines, But Flowers pt1

Today I'm going to read you a book called
"Not Mines, But Flowers".

The book is written in both Japanese and
English. And the main character is Sunny.
(Sunny is a rabbit)

I hope you enjoy the story.

Today I will read part one.

The most beautiful planet in the *ever-expanding universe:
our home; the Earth.


Sunny thinks about the world.

This is Japan, where Sunny was born.
It is an island country,
*surrounded by a *nourishing and *protecting sea.


This is a *continent.
As you can see, *borders may appear on maps,
but not on the ground.


A gate to a *neighboring country.
Unlike the birds, *we are not free to pass.


Oh no! What is this?
Something has *exploded!



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