連休中にボランティアできる方々を募集しますPlease help us during GW | (宗)福島「絆」プロジェクトのオフィシャルブログ


福島被災家畜を守る会は新たに「福島 絆 プロジェクト」として生れ変わり、家畜、人、物資、ペット等、被災した全てのものに対し支援活動を行い、宗教的な活動団体として「志流友の会」も発足し青少年育成やお年寄り支援、僧侶の派遣等活動していきます。 






〒 964-0063 福島県二本松市才木山183番地
(宗)善弘寺内 『宗教法人 福島被災家畜を守る会』 代表 住職 山元志流
TEL/FAX 0243-24-3270 (善弘寺)
E-mail: fukushimakachikusos@gmail.com
携帯 090-8610-2927 


Please help us during holidays (Golden Week)


Several people have already contacted us telling that they would be able to help us.

We are in a hurry to construct fences and other things.

Leading cows into our fences (to rescue them) is also urgent and important job.


We are looking for people who can do:

-          Driving trucks

-          Feed delivery within 20 km area from the nuclear power plant

-          Feeding and watering cows including water fetching and transport

-          Removing excreta


If you can help us during the Golden Week or anytime afterwards,  please contact us.


Contact address:

Fukushima Hisai Kachikuwo Mamoru Kai (Association for saving affected farm animals of Fukushima)
Zenkouji Temple, Saikiyama 183, Nihonmatsu, Fukushima, 964-0063 Japan
 0243 24 3270

Email    fukushimakachikusos@gmail.com

Handy    090 8610 2927

(I often can’t pick up when I work as priest, or when I am within 20km area where I get poor reception on my handy. In such case, please leave a message, I will call you back.)