Online Library I | Fine Traders

Online Library I

Fine Traders
The Online Library of Free eBooks was moved to please visit us there.

Project Gutenberg Free eBook Library
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.

Blackmask Online
The eBook Motherload, a provider of Internet Literature. One thing that makes this site so nice is they feature their books in many different ebook formats. They support MS Reader, Mobipocket, iSilo, Rocket eBook, and Adobe Acrobat, among others. So no matter what your platform, you should be able to find a good book here in a format that you can use. And best of all, it is mostly free!

Library of Southern Literature
The "Library of Southern Literature" documents the riches and diversity of Southern experience as presented in one hundred of its most important literary works. The late Professor Bain of the English Department at UNC-CH asked his colleagues in Southern studies to help him identify the one hundred most important Southern literary texts. The list he compiled forms the basis of this project.

Physical Sciences Information Gateway
Physical Sciences Information Gateway is the physical sciences hub of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN). PSIgate provides free access to high quality Internet resources for students, researchers and practitioners in the physical sciences, specifically in: astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, materials science, physics, and general science.

BookRags is one of the premier online sites for classical study guides, book notes, eBooks, and essays. BookRags has been featured in various newspapers, magazines, and television programs around the world including The Independent (London), Computers Today Magazine, CNBC, and Bloomberg. Our users come from over 170 countries worldwide, including such far away places as Indonesia and Christmas Island.

The Internet Public Library
The Internet Public Library (IPL), is a public service organization and learning/teaching environment at the University of Michigan School of Information. Provide library services to Internet users. Activities include: finding, evaluating, selecting, organizing, describing, and creating information resources; and direct assistance to individuals.


Diesel eBooks Free Library
Diesel eBooks is proud to offer these free ebooks formatted for Microsoft Reader. The Diesel Gratis Collection includes classic American and British fiction, American history, children's literature, Shakespeare, African-American documents, and much more. Our free ebooks include over 413 Authors with over 750+ titles. Please help yourself.

ibiblio, the Public's Library and Digital Archive
Home to one of the largest "collections of collections" on the Internet, is a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies. is a collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.
This site lists free online computer science books and lecture notes, all of which are freely and legally available over the Internet.

O'Reilly's Open Books Project
O'Reilly's CD Bookshelf
Over the years, O'Reilly Media has published a number of "Open Books"--books with various forms of "open" copyright. The reasons for "opening" copyright, as well as the specific license agreements under which they are opened, are as varied as our authors.

Open Book Project
The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics.

Hyperphysics is "a broad-ranging interactive physics exploration environment which is written in HTML with Javascript calculation routines." It was developed by Professor Rod Nave of Georgia State University and is available online as well as on CD-ROM. An excellent resource for physics educators and students, HyperPhysics gives flashcard-like summary pages for a huge array of topics in physics. Navigating through the chain of bubble-diagramed topical listings can be somewhat tedious, but the information provided is good and there is a substantial amount of it. The main subject headings include mechanics, thermodynamics and heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, relativity, quantum physics, nuclear physics, and condensed matter.

TechOnLine Educational Resources
TechOnLine develops and delivers online educational resources, products and services designed to facilitate the delivery of training and education to the electronics industry.

The Embedded Learning Center
Freescale Semiconductor resource for free online training, access to the VirtuaLab and information about classroom training.

Analog University
National Semiconductor has expanded its popular Analog University, the industry's first free online education resource for electronic design engineers.

NLECTC Virtual Library
Created in 1994 as a component of the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ's) Office of Science and Technology, the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) system serves as an "honest broker" offering support, research findings, and technological expertise to help State and local law enforcement and corrections personnel perform their duties more safely and efficiently.

Old Eclectic Books and Journals of Traditional Medicines
Digitized classic texts on herb and traditional medical treatments provided by Henriette's Herbal Homepage including: King's American Dispensatory, Felter's Eclectic Materia Medica, Ellingwood's American Materia Medica, and more!Also included are several shorter works and some historic journals.

Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine is a school of herbal medicine located in Bisbee, Arizona. This site contains many of the books, pamphlets and fields guides used by the school. A large site that offers extensive resources in such areas as traditional herbal remedies, distribution maps for medicinal plants, ethnobotanical texts, plant identifacation photos, and more.

Online Library II
Part II of the online library list.

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