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in his heavy backpack, small diary this never The treasures he lightly armed not prepared.The Che Guevara childhood Qin remember handling a good habit diar. do not eat Ric. do not sleep, rest da. the Che Guevara her. from the early era began, no longer had Not keep a diary of the da. in the difficult years fighting the most serious of the Sierra Maestra mountain. discount oakley flak jacket sunglasses
his diar. are a The day is a lo. a pull.Later, after the victory of the Cuban revolution, as well, in writing a chronicle of the revolution, cut · Guevara's diar. became only the most systematic, comprehensiv. accurate and thus is the most authoritative written Data. November 7, 1966, Che Guevara came to Bolivia on the battlefield, he used his non- Very nea. oakley square wire 2.0 but it is difficult to identify a small fon. very meticulous to start recording the next day the battle of Health Live. From this point on, the whole of Bolivia during the war, Che Guevara still never interrupted write His diary.This diary has been recorded to the day before he ended his great life's journey last: 1967 On October 7. The fighting of life poem November 8, 1966 to the 9th, that cut Guevara arrives "Karami That" camp the next day and Few days later, Che Guevara personally involved in a tense battlefield reconnaissance. He began to rapidly Tacha Karami that "the surrounding terrain, search around all stream. jungl. oakley monster dog lenses
River sector and cliffs. Their reconnaissance operations are cover. so choose the path are barren jungl. The thick weeds Beach. Bolivia is a landlocked countr. but the country is in the tropical region, where the climate is humid and warm, even if Not the rainy season in November, still when the storm hit.Rain and warm weather, Bolivia Southern climate characteristics.