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Vice News
Inside Japan's New War With the Islamic State

                             (和訳 by てん)

By Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky
February 6, 2015 | 10:50 am

Early on the morning of February 1, the Islamic State released video of the execution of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto. Titled "A Message to the Government of Japan," the video appeared to feature the masked executioner known to the West as Jihadi John addressing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by name.


"Abe, because of your reckless decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji, but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found," Jihadi John said. "So let the nightmare for Japan begin."

ジハードジョンは言った。 「さあ、日本の悪夢の始まりだ。」

The video emerged a week after the release of a recording that indicated another Japanese hostage, 42-year-old Haruna Yukawa, had been beheaded by the militants.


Japan had been secretly negotiating for the return of the prisoners for months after both men were abducted in Syria last year. Then, on January 17, Abe delivered a speech in Cairo. According to insiders at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Abe went off-script from the speech MOFA had helped prepare, adding two sentences in particular that attracted a great deal of attention:
"In order to help reduce the threat ISIL [the Islamic State] poses, we will offer our support to Turkey and Lebanon and also provide aid to the refugees and displaced persons of Iraq and Syria. To those nations battling with ISIL, we pledge a total of $200 million to aid in the development of human resources and infrastructure."

外務省(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)内部の者によると、

「イラク シリアの難民・非難民支援 トルコ エバノンへの
地道な人材開発 インフラ整備を含め ISILと戦う周辺各国に
総額で2億ドル程度 支援をお約束します。」

Two days later, the Islamic State released a video featuring Jihadi John standing between the two hostages, who were on their knees and wearing orange jumpsuits. He demanded a ransom from Japan — for, not coincidentally, $200 million. Negotiations broke down, and both men were murdered. Japan's former ambassador to Lebanon, Naoto Amaki, told the Nikkan Gendai newspaper that the speech was "an unprecedented mistake in diplomatic judgment.

2日後、イスラム国はオレンジのジャンプスーツを着て跪いた2人の人質の間に立ったジハードジョンが出演するビデオを放送し、日本からの身代金を要求した― 偶然ではなく、2億ドルを。交渉は決裂し、両者とも殺害された。前レバノン日本大使、天木直人は日刊ゲンダイ新聞にこの演説は「外交的判断において、前例のない失敗。」だと語った。

The Abe administration has seemingly used the deaths of the men to further his longstanding military agenda, calling for not only the expanded use of Japan's Self Defense Forces to "protect Japanese lives," but to also justify the use of military force against Japan's economic enemies. It's unclear whether the legislation's expansive wording would technically prohibit Japan from attacking South Korea if Samsung were to rip off Sony technology.


In his official statement following the release of the Goto video, Abe said, "I am infuriated by these inhumane and despicable acts…. I will never forgive these terrorists. I will work with the international community to hold them responsible for their deplorable acts."


Those are unusually fierce words from a prime minister of Japan. According to Nikkei Newspaper, Abe added that provocative language to his prepared speech while traveling from his home to his office.


* * *

Bringing up the issue of possible government mishandling of the crisis is in large part taboo in Japan; the mainstream Japanese press hasn't questioned it. The Asahi, Japan's second largest newspaper, did admit in a story that "some voices say that the government's handling of the crisis should be debated." But the paper didn't include any of that debate.


Asahi Television's program Hodo Station reported on February 2 that the prime minister and cabinet office hijacked the Cairo speech from MOFA, and that Abe ignored MOFA requests to "reconsider" the Middle East trip altogether. MOFA protested, saying that the report gave the impression that the diplomatic core opposed the trip. The network refused to retract the story.


The Abe administration has attacked what criticism there has been by equating it with "giving in to terrorists." During a February 2 press conference, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga used the phrase "not give into terrorism" four times. "Not paying financial support to the Middle East," he said, "would be giving into terrorism and playing right into the hands of the terrorists."


'Even a first-year bureaucrat would know Abe's words could constitute a declaration of war to radicals like ISIL.'


Shigeaki Koga, a whistleblower formerly at Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry — and author of The Runaway Nation: How The Abe Administration Manipulates Public Opinion — points out that Abe has long had an agenda that includes re-arming Japan, reviving the Imperial Constitution, creating a standing army, and initiating a peace-time draft.

古賀茂明、元・経済産業省における内部告発者であり- そして「国家の暴走」の著者:安倍政権がどうのように世論を操作するのか―安倍が、帝国憲法を復活させ、常備軍を作り、平時徴兵を開始して、再び武装化する日本を含む方針を長い間もっていたことを指摘している。

That is essentially what Abe has pushed since the deaths of the hostages, labeling it "collective self-defense." As Abe told a Diet budget committee on February 3, "[My party] has already presented a draft amendment to Article 9 [the part of the post-war Japanese constitution that renounces warfare] and is amending it to carry out our duty of protecting the lives and assets of Japanese citizens."


The Abe government has denied any responsibility for the outcome of the negotiations, saying "we took all the appropriate measures and did everything we could" — and reminding people that discussing the issue is equivalent to giving into terrorism. Seij Maehara, former president of the opposition party, pointed out that the government knew the Islamic State held Japanese hostages at the time of the Cairo speech "How did you assess the risk of announcing support to countries [battling the Islamic State] at such a time?" he asked Abe.

安倍政権は、「我々は、すべての適切な措置を取り、我々はできる限りのことを行った」と言って、交渉の結果の責任を否定している。―そして、問題を議論することは、テロを許すことに等しいと人々に注意して。野党(*民主党)の元代表、前原 誠司は、政府がイスラム国が日本の人質を拘束していたことを、カイロ演説の時に知っていたことを指摘した。「どうしてあなたは、そのような時に[イスラム国と戦う]国々への支援を発表するのリスクを冒したのですか?」彼は安倍に尋ねた。

Abe did not directly answer the question, instead repeating what has been his mantra since the crisis became public: "We will not give in to terrorists," he said. "If we give in to threats by terrorists for fear of taking risks, we can never provide humanitarian support to countries in the region."

安倍は、質問に答えず、代わりにこの重大局面が公になってからずっと唱えていた彼のマントラを繰り返し:「我々はテロリストに屈することはありません "と彼は言った。「我々はリスクを冒すことを恐れてテロリストによる脅威に屈するならば、我々がこの地域の国々への人道支援を提供することはできません。」

Members of Abe's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) have in turn criticized Goto and Yukawa "for not listening to warnings [to stay away from Syria]." Yukawa was captured last August, and Goto was captured in late October. By mid-November, the government of Japan knew the Islamic State held both men. MOFA told media outlets that wanted to report on the kidnappings to wait, fearing that publicizing them would result in the deaths of the hostages. They complied.

「[シリアに近づくな]という警告に耳を傾​​けなかった。 湯川は、昨年8月に拘束され、後藤は昨年10月に拘束された。11月中旬、日本政府は、イスラム国が両名を捕らえていたことを知っていた。外務省は報道各社に、それらを公表すると人質に死をもたらしかねないことを恐れているので、拉致事件の記事を出すのは待って欲しい言った。

* * *

A high-ranking MOFA official, who declined to give his name for fear of retaliation, likened the Cairo speech to "a diplomatic IED."

カイロ演説を「外交IED(Improvised Explosive Device即席爆発装置)と例えた。

"The lines about 'In order to minimize the threat of ISIS' and 'Japan pledges $200 million in support to those countries battling ISIS' — none of that was in the original speech that our ministry had checked," the MOFA official told VICE News. "Even a first-year bureaucrat at MOFA would know those words could constitute a declaration of war to radicals like ISIL."

「その文章 'ISISの脅威を少しでも食い止めるために'そして、'日本はISISと戦っている国への支援2億ドルを約束する'- それはどれもオリジナルの演説の中にはなかった。」外務省関係者はVICEニュースに語った。

'The Islamic State.' Watch the award-winning VICE News documentary here.

A spokesperson at Abe's office told VICE News, "We won't comment on the process in which the final speech was completed and delivered, or what was the in the original manuscript."


After the speech, copies of the prepared statement were reportedly trashed, and work began on a transcript reflecting the additional lines. MOFA insiders said that there was internal debate about which Japanese character to use for a key word: tatakau, which can be written with two different characters that sound the same but have slightly different meanings. The first character connotes an abstract struggle — a battle with cancer, for instance — while the second is used to discuss warfare. MOFA decided to use the more abstract character in the Japanese transcript.

外務省内部の者は、キーワードに使う日本語の文字について内部議論があったと語った:「たたかう(闘う&戦う)」これは同じようには聞こえるが、わずかに異なる意味を持つ2つの異なる文字を書き込むことができる。ひとつ目の文字は抽象的苦闘を暗示し、- 例えば癌との闘いといったような-二つ目は戦争を論して使われる。外務省は日本語文書の中にはより抽象的な文字の方を使うことにしました。

Similarly, in the English translation they used "contending with ISIL" rather than "warring with ISIL" or "fighting with ISIL." Special attention was reportedly paid by MOFA to soften the words in English as much as possible. On February 2, MOFA representatives were called to LDP headquarters and told that they had failed to ensure Abe's speeches were properly communicated to the foreign press.

同様に、英訳では「warring with ISIL(ISILと戦い)」もしくは、 「fighting with ISIL(ISILと戦い)」よりむしろ
彼らは「contending with ISIL(ISILとの闘い)」を使った。

"We get blamed for the crappy English translation, but we were doing damage control," the MOFA source told VICE News. "He didn't read his lines."

しかし、我々は失敗しないよう調整をしていた。」その外務省の情報提供者は VICE Newsに語った。

That may sound like an odd thing for a bureaucrat to say about a prime minister's speech, but in Japan even Q&A portions of press conferences are scripted. The press club submits questions to politicians in advance, who then read their prepared answers. Some follow-up questions are allowed.


The outcome of Q&A sessions at the National Diet,
Japan's legislature, are so scripted that news services sometimes report the content of the answers before they are given in session. Government ministries often write answers for Diet members — and sometimes write questions for the press. In 2006, when the governor of Nagoya decided to hold a committee meeting without scripted questions and answers, that fact was considered newsworthy.

通信社は時々彼らが会議を開く前に、回答の内容を報道するという具合だ。政府省庁は、多くの場合、国会議員のための回答を書く。- 時にはプレスへの質問さえ書く。2006年には、名古屋の知事は、質疑応答をスクリプト化せずに委員会を開催することを決定したとき、この事は報道価値があると考えられた。

And so when Abe gave his speech, MOFA was caught off guard. In addition, the $200 million Abe promised had not yet been approved by the Diet. MOFA later clarified that Abe meant in the Cairo speech that he was going to allocate $200 million "with the approval of the Diet."


* * *

Regardless, the Islamic State appears to have regarded Abe's speech as a declaration of war. It was only when they responded with death threats that the Japanese government dispatched additional personnel to the embassy in Jordan, where negotiations with the Islamic State had been underway. More than two months of hostage talks had already passed.


"We wanted to set up the emergency hostage crisis headquarters in Turkey," a source close to Japan's National Police Agency who has had previous experience with international hostage situations told VICE News. "Turkey has successfully negotiated with ISIL to free hostages. They were the logical choice and the best choice… not Jordan. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry; MOFA; and the Cabinet office opposed our advice on the grounds it could negatively affect Japan's $22 billion deal with Turkey to build a nuclear power plant along the Black Sea. If things went wrong with Japan during the negotiations, Turkey might be reluctant to have new Japanese-built nuclear facilities on their soil for ISIL terrorists to attack."


The same source said there was reliable intelligence showing that Goto had been moved closer to the border with Turkey in the days before his execution, but that he was moved further into Syria when the deal fell through. "The Cairo speech put Japan on ISIL radar," he said. "We are now going to have to step up security here and abroad."

同じ情報提供者は、後藤が彼の死刑前の日にトルコとの国境近くに移動させられていたことを示す信頼性の高い諜報エキシビジョン(GPS Cyber)があったがしかし、取引が失敗に終わったとき、彼はシリアの中にさらに移動させられたと述べた。「カイロ演説が日本をISILのレーダーに触れさせた。」と彼は言った。「我々は直ちに国内外のセキュリティを強化しなければばらないのだ。」

The Islamic State is burying children alive and crucifying them, says UN. Read more here. (次回はこちらを和訳予定)

Some politicians are timidly raising questions about the government's handling of the crisis. Grilled during sessions of the Diet this week, Abe finally admitted knowing of the hostage situation when he made his speech, but said he decided that he would never give in to terror.


"While knowing that Syria held two Japanese nationals as hostages, to declare support for 'countries battling ISIS' and his whole speech in Cairo seems… naive at best," said Nancy Snow, an Abe Fellow at Keio University in Tokyo. "There are some conspiracy theorists who assert he deliberately used such provocative language to goad ISIS into killing the hostages and advance his remilitarization plans for Japan.


Looking back at what he's said over the years and his obsession with altering Japan's pacifist constitution, it is a very dark possibility that can't be completely ruled out. I'd like to think that is not the case, and if so, Abe better make that case to the Japanese people."


Follow Jake Adelstein (@jakeadelstein) and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky (@NathalieStucky) on Twitter.