Magical Child - Part 2(和訳) | ☆Dancing the Dream ☆

☆Dancing the Dream ☆

Let us celebrate
The Joy of life ♡
with ☆Michael Jackson☆

Magical Child - Part 2 を訳します。

Magical Child - Part 2

Magical child once felt a twinge
A faint recollection, a memory unhinged
In the colors, the forms, the hue
There seemed a mystery with a subtle clue
Behind the wind, the storm,the gale
Within the shroud, beyond the veil
Hidden from view in a wondrous pattern
There seemed a force that he could not fathom
Its music and cadence were playful and sweet
He danced in bliss to its throbbing beat
He did not mind either cold or heat
On the mountain high was his royal seat

魔法の子供は 昔ある時 疼きを感じた
かすかな思い出 奇妙な記憶
ひとつの神秘を感じた 微かな手がかりとともに 
埋葬布の内の そのベールを超えて
ひとつの力を感じた 計り知れない力を
彼は無上の喜びの中 脈動するビートに乗って踊った
その山の頂こそが 彼の王座だったのだ

Strangers came and scorned his joy
With ridicule and banter they tried to destroy
What in their minds was a skillful play
With cruel darts they tried to plunder
To suffocate and strangle his innocent wonder
Fighting hard, despite their blunder
Again and again to steal his thunder
Despite their attacks, they could not break
With all their barbs they could not take
God's gift of love, which they could not fake
Not knowing his strength or what he sought to seek
They complained aloud and called him a freak

見知らぬ人々がやってきて 彼の喜びを嘲った
嘲笑しからかい 彼らは壊そうとした
容赦ない矢で 彼らは強奪しようとした
彼の純粋な魔法を押しつぶし 窒息させようと
猛烈に戦い 大失敗にも関わらず
何度も何度も 彼の電光を盗もうとした
彼らは何度攻撃しても 壊すことができなかった
どんな矢じりの棘でも 彼らにはつかまえることができなかった
愛の神の賜物 それを彼らは偽造できなかった
露ともわからない彼の強さ あるいは 彼が探しに探していたものを
彼らは大声で不平を言い 彼を奇人と呼んだ
But the mysterious force just kept its hold
Magical child grew brave and bold
Diving deep into his soul
In exquisite ecstasy he discovered his role
In his Self was infinite scope
This mysterious force was mankind's hope
Piercing through that mask of Being
In that silence beyond all seeing
Was a field with a different story
A field of power, of awesome glory
With other children, if unfurled
Its tidal wave would change the world

しかし 神秘の力はしっかりと持ちつづけていた
魔法の子供は 勇敢に大胆に成長した
魂の 奥深くに潜り
彼の「そのもの」の中には 無限の領域があった
荘厳な栄光の 力の原野
他の子供らとともに 満潮に帆を翻し

Magical child was ready to bow
Sow the seed, pick up the plough
With effortless ease, without a sigh
Without a tear, without a cry
With silent perfection
Under God's direction
To sing together as one race
Stem the tide, transform this place

種をまき 鋤を手に持ち
楽々と ため息もつかず
涙も流さず 泣き叫びもせず
流れを止め  この場所を一変させるために

Magical children, don't worry how
Don't delay, this moment's now.

魔法の子供たちよ やり方など心配しないで
遅れないで  この瞬間が今だよ