The deductions for income tax(所得税の控除) | ブログde「えいごのみー」



<Tax deduction for income tax>

Japanese tax system is very complicated therefore a lot of people would leave it to the tax accountants. But I think that getting knowledge about the tax system is useful and it is the same situation for foreign workers living in Japan.

After calculation of taxable income, you can check the information below.

Taxable income = the amount of income - deductions from income

"Deductions from income" includes deduction for medical expenses, Deductions for donations, exemption for working students, exemption for the disabled, exemption for spouses, and so on.

Understanding the details of calculation is too difficult even for Japanese people, but this knowledge will help you to understand.




「課税所得額 = 所得額 - 所得に対する控除額」



Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co; Ltd.

*complicated 複雑な、煩雑な troublesome

*tax accountant 税理士 tax counsellor

*deduction 控除、差引き 

the process of taking an amount of money(away from a total)

*taxable income 課税所得 taxable earnings

*donations 寄付金(控除)

money that is given to an organization such as a charity

*exemption (所得)控除、免除される人

permission not to do something or have to pay

*disabled 障害者の 

unable to use a part of one’s body completely or easily because of a physical condition