
1. 買収
the act of taking control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this
:The takeover came shortly after he was ousted as chairman of the parent company amid a barrage of lawsuits about his conduct at the firm.(英)
:Thornbury has announced a takeover bid of a regional TV company.(L)
:He prevented a hostile takeover (=when the takeover is not wanted by the company being bought) of the company.(L)
:a takeover bid for the company(O)
:The company has agreed an $11.5bn takeover.(C)
:In hostile takeovers, the employees of the target firm are often concerned about losing their jobs.(C)
:the takeover of British toymakers by American multinationals(C)
:takeover candidate/target (C)
:The dramatic rise in the stock price made it a less attractive takeover target.(C)
:takeover attempt/proposal (C)
:They are expected to receive a takeover proposal from a US-based multinational.(C)
:The company announced it was in takeover talks.(C)

●BBC:15 January 2013
Batelco's Channel Islands buyout may face extra conditions
The takeover of Channel Island licenses by the Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco) may face further conditions from the islands' regulator.
Batelco hopes to complete its takeover of the Monaco and Islands division of Cable and Wireless by 31 March.

●BBC:4 January 2013
Kings Monkton School: Cardiff school faces £350k debt
He said the trust would like to explore options such as a merger with another school or a parent or staff-led takeover.

an act of getting control of a country or political organization, using force
:a communist takeover(L)

●Japan Times:JAN 23, 2013
The mess in Mali
Blowback has already become evident in the attempted takeover of an Algerian natural gas facility by Islamic sympathizers.

●BBC:22 January 2013
Mali conflict: Rewriting the UN's best made plans
It took France the better part of a year to craft a UN-backed plan for dealing with the Islamist takeover of northern Mali that would avoid a French military intervention.