でも辞書で調べてて signal receptionの意味は全然知りませんでした


【noun[countable usually singular]】
a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc [? receive]:
:She was unsure of her reception after everything that had happened.(L)
:a warm/good/enthusiastic reception(L)
:The delegates gave him a warm reception.(L)
:a hostile/cool/frosty reception(L)
:His ideas met with a hostile reception.(L)
:receive/have/get/meet with a ... reception(L)
:He got a great reception from the crowd.(L)
:The plans received a mixed reception from unions (=some people liked it, others did not).(L)
:Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans.(O)
:Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education.(O)
:The firm's expansion in Africa is expected to meet with a mixed reception.(C)
:The latest marketing plan got a frosty reception from the Board.(C)

●BBC:2 February 2013
Mali conflict: UN 'deeply disturbed' by army abuse claims
The French leader arrived in the country on Saturday morning, and received a warm reception from dignitaries and residents in Timbuktu, six days after French soldiers helped recapture the city.

a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someone:
:It's an ideal location for a wedding reception.(L)
:The occasion was marked by a civic reception.(L)
:A champagne reception was held at the Swallow Hotel.(O)
:They hosted a reception for 75 guests.(O)
:The mayor offered to host a reception for the delegates.(C)
:The product will be launched at a champagne reception.(C)

●BBC:7 September 2012
Ryde Castle Hotel blaze sparked by fireworks display
Ryde Castle Hotel, owned by Greene King, partially collapsed during the fire in March, while a Hampshire couple's wedding reception took place.

公式問題集 vol4 TEST 1 58

the desk or office where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first:
:Please leave your key at the reception desk.(L)
:I asked the man at reception.(L)
:You can leave a message with reception.(O)
:(North American English, British English) the reception desk(O)
:Let's meet in reception.(C)
:Collect your welcome packs from the reception desk.(C)
:We need more staff working on reception.(C)

●BBC:18 April 2012
Wheelchair theft tackled at Stafford Hospital
Facilities have been installed at the main entrance, in the corridor to the left of the reception desk and on the first and second floors.

4.〔会社などの〕待合室、大広間◆【同】reception room
British English
the area around or in front of this desk or office [= lobby]:
:I'll wait for you in reception.(L)
:Posters will be on display in the reception area.(C)
:We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30.(O)

●BBC:8 November 2012
Enniskillen bombing: a reporter's memories of 1987 attack
Inside the small reception area of the hospital there were a few people sitting in chairs or standing in the corridor but there was no screaming or sense of panic.

the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive:
:listeners complaining about poor reception(L)
:There was very poor reception on my phone.(O)
:I won't be able to call you, as reception is really bad in rural areas.(C)

●Japan Times:MAR 1, 2012
Softbank to get high-reception frequency band
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said Wednesday it will allocate Softbank Mobile Corp. a coveted 900-megaherz radio frequency band to improve signal reception for its handsets in Japan.

:the act of catching the ball in American football(L)

●Japan Times:FEB 4, 2013
Ravens deny 49ers in title tilt
Crabtree’s 31-yard touchdown reception on which he broke two tackles made it 28-13. A couple minutes later, Frank Gore’s 6-yard run followed a 32-yard punt return by Ted Ginn Jr., and the 49ers were within eight.