


【noun [countable]】
a short written report of news about a club, organization etc that is sent regularly to people who are interested:
:The society publishes a newsletter twice a year.(L)
:Our sailing club produces a monthly newsletter.(O)
:a church newsletter(O)
:a weekly/monthly/yearly newsletter(C)

●Japan Times:Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012
Merumaga: Paid e-mail newsletters make a come-back
As such, it's probably no surprise that old-style digital content in the form of merumaga (paid e-mail newsletters) is blooming in the Japanese Web scene, though the scale of the business is still small.
Starting in the late 1990's, periodical newsletters began sprouting from certain corners of the Japanese Internet.
Each cellphone carrier has different limitations, rules and anti-spam filters which often flag e-mails from PCs as spam, so when people in Japan began merumaga they tended to use these newsstand services to ensure their newsletters got through to their subscribers.