normal humidityとかinformation systemとか

quality furniture とかって 名詞+名詞かと思ってました*o_ _)oバタッ
んで??? てなってた。


【adjective】[only before noun] [no comparative]
very good - used especially by people who are trying to sell something
:Quality fish is usually cleaned and frozen within hours of the catch.(英)
:quality child-care at prices people can afford(L)
:quality double glazing(L)
:We specialize in quality furniture.(O)
:quality service at a competitive price(O)
:We ensure that only quality products are sold on our website.(C)
:a reputation for making quality fuel-efficient vehicles(C)

●Japan Times:Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013
Sign of the Financial Times: Will it sell independence?
It will be a sad day for the FT and for quality international journalism if the paper is sold; it will be a victory for the financiers who are quick to put a price on everything but who know the value of nothing.

●BBC:18 December 2012
John Beddoes School, Presteigne, in special measures
Providing quality education for all of our youngsters is absolutely vital and we are confident that with hard work and the co-operation of the school we can swiftly deliver the improvements demanded by Estyn, added Ms Alexander.