
知らないの多いな*o_ _)oバタッ

1 施し、施し物、お恵み◆乞食への
money or goods that are given to someone, for example because they are poor
:people who have to live on handouts from the state(L)
:a cash handout(L)
:to be dependent on handouts(O)

●BBC:4 May 2011
Harare musical Treasure dares to dethrone Mugabe
The musical was a commentary on the last 10 turbulent years in Zimbabwe: From the political oppression and slum clearances to the economic meltdown and food handouts the poor now receive - in a country once seen as the bread basket of the region.

a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting etc:
:Please read the handout.(L)
:Keep the information in your media handout factual and to the point.(C)

●Japan Times:Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004
Schools step in to teach kids table manners
Thus I was happy when my third-grader came home with a handout on table manners.
My son did seem interested because he showed me the handout as soon as he came home.

3 新聞発表◆【同】press release
a free document that gives information about an event or a matter of public interest, or that states the views of a political party, etc.

●Japan Times:Friday, April 8, 2011
Nuke plant worker mum about own exposure to fallout
Room without a view: An operation room in a quake-proof building at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, where Tokyo Electric Power Co. employee Yasuki Murata has spent most of his time since March 11, is seen in this Tepco handout.

4 給付金
money that is given by a government to people, organizations, or industries to encourage a particular activity
:More than 50 American billionaires have received government farm handouts in recent years from a program created to help struggling small farmers survive.(C)

●Japan Times:Tuesday, April 28, 2009
More abused wives file for handout
Three more women abused by their husbands in Kanagawa Prefecture filed an injunction Monday with the Yokohama District Court to block their government-sponsored cash handouts from going to their husbands, their lawyers said.
Because cash handouts go to the nominal heads of households, the wives cannot receive the handouts unless they confront their husbands.
More abused wives file for handout