johnson's baby shampoo !! | Eikonya Fashion & Beauty゜+.❤
hiiiii ☆

today I have something really cute so I'm gonna write a review about(°∀°)b ......

johnson's baby shampooooo yaaay ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

this shampoo is so nice and I can't wait till I shampoo my hair with it hehe



I want to use it because it's for babies and babies always have a good products to protect their pure and beautiful skin !!!

I use to wash my hair with it when I was a baby ♥

so that's why I want use it (*^-^)b


and it says "no more tears" that means it's okay if it goes in to my eyes (・ω・)b

to protect baby's eyes (°∀°)b

and yeah


also it says " best for your baby and best for you " so that means also I can use it hahahahaha(*^▽^*)

remember babies products always the best グッド!

バイバイ (^O^)/

