
1.2 The Spanish-American War and World War II


Philippine Spanish peso with commemorative stamp of the occupation of Guam by the U.S. in 1899.


First assault wave of Marines take cover prior to moving inland during the 1944 Battle of Guam.

The United States took control of the island in the 1898 Spanish-American War, as part of the Treaty of Paris. Guam came to serve as a station for American ships traveling to and from the Philippines, while the Northern Mariana Islands passed to Germany, and then to Japan.[10]


During World War II, Guam was attacked and invaded by the armed forces of Japan on December 8, 1941. Anticipating the attack, the Navy had all military dependents transported away from the island, but did not inform the native Chamorros of the possible bombardment.[citation needed]


The Northern Mariana Islands had become a Japanese protectorate before the war. It was the Chamorros from the Northern Marianas who were brought to Guam to serve as interpreters and in other capacities for the occupying Japanese force. The Guamanian Chamorros were treated as an occupied enemy by the Japanese military. After the war, this would cause resentment between the Guamanian Chamorros and the Chamorros of the Northern Marianas. Guam's Chamorros believed their northern brethren should have been compassionate towards them, whereas having been occupied for over 30 years, the Northern Mariana Chamorros were loyal to Japan.

北マリアナ諸島は、戦争前に日本の保護国になっていました。占領日本軍のために通訳として他の能力で仕えるグアムに連れてこられたのは北マリアナ諸島からチャモロでした。 グアム人のチャモロは日本軍に占領下の敵として扱われていました。戦後、これはグアムのチャモロ族と北マリアナ諸島のチャモロ族の間で敵意を引き起こします。グアムのチャモロ族は北の同胞が自分達に同情的である筈だった信じていましたが、北マリアナのチャモロは(日本に)30年以上にわたって占有されていて、日本に忠実でした。

Guam's Japanese occupation lasted for approximately thirty-one months. During this period, the indigenous people of Guam were subjected to forced labor, family separation, incarceration, execution, concentration camps and forced prostitution. Approximately one thousand people died during the occupation, according to Congressional Testimony in 2004. Some historians estimate that war violence killed 10% of Guam's some 20,000 population.[11]


The United States returned and fought the Battle of Guam on July 21, 1944, to recapture the island from Japanese military occupation. More than 18,000 Japanese were killed as only 485 surrendered. Sergeant Shoichi Yokoi, who surrendered in January 1972, appears to have been the last confirmed Japanese holdout in Guam.[12] To this day, Guam remains the only U.S. soil with a sizable population to have been occupied by a foreign military power, since the War of 1812. The United States also captured and occupied the Northern Mariana

合衆国がもどり、1944年7月21日にグアム戦を戦い、この島を日本の軍事占領から奪還しました。18,000人以上の日本人が殺され、降伏したのは485人だけでした。1972年1月に降伏した横井正一軍曹は、グアムで最後に確認された抵抗者だったように見えます。 今日に至るまで、グアムは、米国のみの土地のままで、かなりの人口が1812年の戦争以来ずっと海外の軍事力に支配されてきました。米国はまた北マリアナ諸島を取得し占領しました。

1.3 Post-war


After the war, the Guam Organic Act of 1950, established Guam as an unincorporated organized territory of the United States, provided for the structure of the island's civilian government, and granted the people U.S.

citizenship. Since Guam is not a U.S. state, U.S. citizens residing on Guam are not allowed to vote for president and their congressional representative is a non-voting member.
戦後、1950年の「グアム自治基本法」(Guam Organic Act)がグアムを合衆国の未編入・自治的領域として定め、文民政府の構造を提供し、(グアムの)人々に米国市民権を付与した。グアムは米国の州ではないので、グアムに居住している米国市民は大統領選挙に投票することを許されていず、彼らの議会代表者には議決権がありません。