It's a long time ago... | でいお 夢中生活

It's a long time ago...

... since I posted my last blog,
but I think it's time to poste a new one...

What happend the last weeks?

Well I have cancer...
That's what my doctor sad... 2 weeks ago...
But I'm a tough girl and I'm gonna WIN THAT FIGHT! \(*`∧´)/

So... last week I passed my graphic design exams...
NOW I'm a real graphic designer...
*happy about that*

And the best of all...
I got a JOB...
It isn't that good payed...
[only 400€ per month]
but it's a Job and I'm happy about everything (^ε^)♪

Wanna know some more?
Maybe next week or tomorror?
who knows...

I whish you all a great day...
a happy week...

and I send you all my love! ♥