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「All Alright」の歌詞話が興味深いですウサギ 

こんな詳細に語ったこと、過去にあったっけ?(記者Amanda Petrusichさんの手腕合格 )




Pitchfork: The new album is the first time Sigur Rós has had a song with English lyrics. What prompted that decision? Was it deliberate?

GH:Yeah, I think it was. In fact, we actually wrote the lyrics for five or six of the songs in English. But it didn't seem to work out, it didn't fit. We needed to do something about it. So we tried to translate some of them back into Icelandic, and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, and sometimes we wrote new lyrics. The only song on the album which is in English ["All Alright"] is one Jonsi wrote, and he was very secretive about it. He didn't really let me read them before he sang the song on the record. He was very quiet about it. I was always asking him, "What are we doing about that song, are we writing more lyrics?" And he would say, "No, I've already done it, it's in English." "OK, can I read it?" "No."
