
3/24 Iceland
3/28 London
4/22 London アビーロード・スタジオ
4/24 Berlin
5/5-6 Newyork

Sigur ros(Jonsi)のインタビュー嫌いの話題が出てます。

"we just don't like doing interviews," he says. "we don't care about any of that stuff. all we care about is our music. it takes a lot out of us. when we're making it, we don't want to bother with anything else.


have they an album title yet?
"no," says orri.

have they any finished song titles?
"no," says jónsi hesitantly. "i'm still writing lyrics."

are they worried they've only two weeks left to finish everything?
"no," mumbles kjartan, who promptly disappears.


orri髪切りました( ̄∇ ̄+)