ニュージーランド航空、ブッ飛び機内安全ビデオ | Black Swan - 国際人養成所

Black Swan - 国際人養成所


みんなと同じ生き方に飽きてるなら、Black Swanに突然変異して一緒に世界を飛び回りませんか?


就職2週目からずっと毎週Wellingtonに月~金で通う生活が続いてますが、常便はニュージーランド航空(Air New Zealand)です。このニュージーランド航空、実は機内安全ビデオが毎回面白すぎることが有名なので、ちょっと動画を漁って紹介してみたいと思います。

まず最初はこちら「ボディーペインティングバージョン」です。必要最低限を意味する「bare essentials」と裸の「bare」をかけてます。肝心な所はうまく見えないよう編集されてます。(笑



そして最後に、僕が毎週のように見させられてる最新作です。Bear Gryllsというイギリス人の冒険家で、機内安全ビデオなのに機内じゃない場所で撮影してるのが斬新です。またもやこの人の名前とかけて「Bear Essentials」というタイトルが付いてます。

このBear Gryllsという人、Discovery Channelなんかの常連みたいで、山奥でどうやったらサバイバルできるか?といった動画がYouTubeに沢山アップされてます。かなりグロイものが多いのでここではリンクを載せませんが、心臓が弱い人は絶対に「bear grylls larvae」なんて単語で検索かけてはいけません!!!(←と釣ってみる)

このBear Gryllsの英語、イギリス人なのでKiwi英語ではないんですが、イギリス出身の人もこちらではかなり多いのでこういう話し方する人身の回りにも結構いるんですよね~。単語の最後の子音が詰まって消える感じで





Bear:Just been dropped in to one of the most beautiful places on earth.
For the next few minutes, I'm gonna take you on a journey along the
majestic Routeburn track.

And (1.                 ), I'm gonna take you through a few
of the safety drills, and I picked up my adventures.

And even if you've been flying for years, (2.           ).
(3.         ) in the wild (4.               ).

First up, make sure (5.              ) in the lockers overhead.
Lockers in the wild are pretty hard to find. (6.         ).

女性:Or if it's something useful (7.         ),
you can slide it under the seat in front of you.

Bear:You're gonna have to follow any directions from
the crew and any signs that light up overhead.
If the seat-belt sign does light up, (8.               ) and
clip in to your seat-belt.
(9.               ) your hips like this.
I recommend (10.                      ).

But, if you do need to get up while I'm chasing lunch, undo your
seat-belt by lifting the flap.

If an oxygen mask suddenly drops down in front of you, you could use
it (11.         ), but much better ideas to pull down on the mask,
place it over your nose and mouth, and tighten by pulling on both sides of
the elastic.

If you are seated with your children, (12.        ), be prepared
but putting your own mask on first before helping with theirs or others
who may need a hand.
Don't worry if the bag doesn't inflate, oxygen will flow through this
tube automatically.

女性:If an emergencies were to happen during take-off
or landing, either brace yourself on the seat in front of you, or place
your hands on your head with (13.              ), and your feet
flat on the floor.

Bear:Something you could always rely on that is
(14.          ) is a life jacket. You can find yours right here under
your seat.
(15.                 ). Take it out of this pouch, put
over your head, get strapped together and pull tight.
Pulling (16.            ) inflates the jacket.
(17.         )! But don't tag it until you leave the aircraft.
And if you need more air, blow into this mouthpiece.

If you've got an infant, flight attendants will be on hand with a life
jacket for them, too.
If you need to light up on the journey, just hold back.
You should know smoking is banned (18.           ) of the aircraft.
And of course (19.                 ), too.

If needed, there's escape path lighting to guide you to the nearest exit
when it's dark.
Oh, it's the rude awakening (20.            )!

オッサン:Your crew are now pointing out your exits,
so take a quick scan of the area, and count the number of rows from
your seat.
女性:(21.          ) that your nearest exit may be behind you.

Bear:Power off all electronic devices during take off and landing.
Transmitting devices like mobile phones can (22.            ),
and must not be used in flight unless you switch them to flight mode.
And make sure the all cellular wi-fi and bluetooth capability is off.

Hi! OK, so (23.                ) but finally before take-off,
(24.               ), make sure your seat-back is upright, your
armrest down, and your window shade is fully up.

Fasten your seat-belt, (25.              ), and make sure
your electronic devices are definitely powered off. Or else...
So, if you missed any of the adventure, take a good look at your
(26.                          ).

女性:From the airline (27.          ) New Zealand
beautiful, thanks for coming on the journey with us.
Have a good flight, and (28.        ).

1. seeing as you are waiting to take off
2. it pays to watch carefully
3. I've learned some things
4. that you might not have seen before
5. everything you're carrying is safely stuffed
6. This will do
7. you'd like to keep handy
8. nip back to your seat
9. It should fit snugly below across
10. to keep your seat-belt fastened throughout the flight
11. as a portable loo
12. like a good scout
13. your elbows outside your thighs
14. within easy reach of your seat
15. It's super easy to put on while seated
16. this handily placed red tag
17. Chocks away
18. in every nook and cranny
19. that includes all the loos on board
20. to the taste buds
21. Keep in mind
22. play havoc with aircraft system
23. almost time to wrap this up
24. clip your tray table back
25. stall your screen and remote
26. safety card in the seat pocket in front of you
27. that's committed to keeping
28. Haere mai

イギリス在住の方ならきっと慣れてるので大半はお分かりだったんじゃないでしょうか?最後の28. Haere mai(マオリ語でwelcome)以外は。にひひ

