★CNE1がBusiness Media誠 で紹介されています。→「日本人経営者は、フィリピンの格安マンツーマン語学学校をどう運営しているか (1/5)」

★CNE1がサムライレポートで紹介されています。→「フィリピンにて、格安マンツーマン語学学校に挑戦。井坂 浩章氏



CNE1のヘッド講師の1人であり、人気講師の JJ からの動画のメッセ―ジが届きました。大手コールセンターの教育マネージャー職を投げ捨てて、まだできたばかりのCNE1に参加して頂きました。




“Life is the Biggest Classroom and Experience is the best Teacher.”

I learned English at a very young age and I have made network of friends because of English. Learning is my passion and teaching English is my love. As one of the teachers of CNE1 I have made communication the key to unlock differences of cultures and learning from others.

Learning is a great experience for everyone. English is a great way to bridge the barriers for all cultures all across the world. Communicating in English will help you grow as a person, meet new people, learn more things, make new friends, and improve how you are in your business.

If you love travelling you need English to communicate with other people. English will let you communicate easier with different people all around the world to countries like Europe, the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and other countries. Learn more about your world through other people with your English skills.

In creating International Businesses with other countries you will need to speak confidently using the most widely used language in the world, English. Multinational corporations are looking for individuals who are confident in meetings and presenting corporate business reviews. Great business networks were built because of the English language. If you’re growing your company, English is the best medium to help you make that possible.

CNE1 has an improved standard of teaching, by making dynamic lessons inside & outside the classroom, also with new lessons that will fit your needs and setting the mood for a fun environment. We will make your English learning experience worth the travel from Japan to the Philippines. We would love to have you join our CNE1 family to learn English the best way in a very peaceful environment. If you haven’t explored the world of conversational English, CNE1 will be the best tour guide for the best English experience.

CNE1 will make your English dreams come true!

CNE1日本代表 井坂 浩章

Now,Everyone can study abroad!