No heater - mystery of Hong Kong - | Chiharu's MBA in China

No heater - mystery of Hong Kong -

It's getting warmer in Hong Kong.
From March, it sounds like springチューリップ赤, sometimes like the beginning of summerヒマワリ.
Because it's 20 degree and more in daytime.
It's warm晴れ

But we have short winter in Hong Kong雪
It's above 10 degree. Not so cold like Tokyo.
The winter period is from January to February less than two months.

It's winter in Hong Kong.
 There is no heater in Hong Kong!!

(Haha, I use Chineseにひひ

Building has air conditioner, but it has only refrigerated air conditioning!!
Oh, my god!
I didn't know there are air conditioner without heater・・・あせる

And then, inside is colder than outside叫び
because of no sunshine・・・汗汗汗

I gave upパー
I bought a cheap heater HK$200おこづかい
My heater↓(I mistook how to use, and the knob of the heater was melted・・・)

梶並千春の中国MBA-air conditioner

Hong Kong students say
"We don't need heater"
NO, we need oneDASH!

In winter, everybody wear coat or down jacket in room!!

Now it's getting warmer, the air conditioner without heater starts to work.
Too early!?
