Hong Kong Marathon 2011-vol.2 | Chiharu's MBA in China

Hong Kong Marathon 2011-vol.2

I didn't think to write about "Hong Kong Marathon" twice・・・あせる

Look these picturesひらめき電球

Dash before goal走る人走る人走る人


Finished with smilingチョキ


I bought these pictures from "Marathon-Photos" service.
The service sent me only my pictures and I got 11 my pictures during the marathonカメラ
I have never expected this service音譜
I'm a marathon beginner ・・・叫び

Hong Kong Marathon fee is HK$300(=3,300円).
but I spent HK$390(=4,300円)to buy the two pictures¥

That's why I share them on my blog and try to cost more efficientアップ
Anyway, it's a good memoryラブラブ
