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Missing cat returned home after 9 years

An English couple have been reunited 1) with their missing cat after nine years, Britain's RSPCA said.

Dixie, a 15-year-old ginger cat, disappeared in 1999 and her owners thought she had been killed 2) by a car.

She was found less than 3) half a mile from her home in Birmingham after a concerned resident rang the animal charity to report a thin and dishevelled 4) cat who 5) had been in the area for a couple of 6) months.

RSPCA animal collection officer Alan Pittaway checked her microchip and confirmed 7) it was Dixie.

She was returned to her owners, Alan and Gilly Delaney, within half an hour.

"In 29 years of working for the RSPCA I have never seen anyone so excited and happy as 8) Mrs Delaney," Mr Pittaway said.

"It made my day to 9) return Dixie to her owners."

The couple were "overjoyed" to be reunited with their missing cat after so many years.

"Dixie's personality, behaviour and little mannerisms 10) have not changed at all," said Ms Delaney

"We don't think she has stopped purring since she came back through the door."

The RSPCA hopes the story will encourage owners to have their pets microchipped11).

1) have been reunited : 完了形になっているのは、動作が既に完了して、今も続いてる、ということを示すのでまさしく教科書通りの使い方。

2) had been killed : 過去の時点より遡っているので過去完了形。

3) less than : thanに続く数は含まないので、「以下」とするのは間違い。

4) dishevelled : 髪の毛なんかがぼさぼさになっている様子。

5) who : 猫なのに、かわいがられているので人用の関係代名詞が使われてます。

6) a couple of : 2つ。カップル、を想像したらすぐ覚えられます。

7) confirmed : 「確認する」。ホテルや飛行機のコンファメ―ションはこの単語から来ています。

8) never...so...as : 同程度の比較型ですが、neverなので強調されて、「~ほど…なものはない」というように最上になってます。

9) It made my day to : make somebody's dayで「喜ばせる、幸せな気分にさせる」という意味で、これに it toの構文が組み合わされて「to以下の内容のおかげで幸せな気持ちになれた」ということ。

10) mannerism : マンネリ、ではなくて、この場合は「癖」。

11) have their pet microchipped : have + somebody + 動詞の過去分詞 で 誰かに~させる ということで、「ペットにマイクロチップを埋める」となりますが、よく使うけどふっと出ないのが「I had my hair cut」という文でしょうか(髪を切ってきたの、ですね)。