Bachata, Laughter, and Almost Knocking 

Out My Dance Instructor!

Dancing the bachata has been such a wild 

ride—seriously, I laugh nonstop! Not only is 

it tons of fun, but my posture is getting better, 

and *drum roll*... my dress size is going down!

 💃🏽 I'm feeling stronger, and more confident, 

and if I may say so, these hips are getting 

curvier by the day.

Now, let me tell you about my amazing dance 

instructor, Ji—better known as Koji Hanaoka.

 This man deserves all the medals in the world

 for his patience with me. The other day,

 I *almost* knocked him out with my now-famous 


accidental spin move." I didn’t see it coming…

he didn’t see it coming… I swear, I saw his life 

flash before his eyes! 😂 But Ji? He just smiled, 

shrugged it off, and kept on teaching like 

nothing ever happened. That's how amazing he 

is! Every class, he goes over the same steps 

with me, again and again, never losing his cool.

I mean, who knew bachata could be this 

dangerous? Or, maybe it’s just me bringing a 

bit of the wild to the dance floor!

Despite my... um... “creative” dance moves, I'm 

determined to learn this beautiful, sexy dance 

until my heart is full. There’s just something 

magical about it—the rhythm, the connection,

 the way it makes me feel completely in the 

moment. I'm hooked, and you should be too! 

If you’ve ever considered dancing but held back,

 now's your time! Find a good instructor 

(someone who doesn’t mind almost being taken 

out by your enthusiasm 😅), and let the magic

 happen. Seriously, bachata is the dance 

you didn’t know you needed in your life!

And for anyone in the area looking to start 

their dance journey, let me introduce you to 

the incredibly patient, unshakeable, and forgiving 

Ji (Koji Hanaoka). He’s amazing and has 

somehow survived teaching me this long!

You can check out his info here—highly 

recommend giving it a try.

Stay tuned for a video of me *almost* taking 

him out with my now-legendary move. 😜

Love you, 



バチャータを踊るのが本当に楽しいんです!笑いが止まらないし、姿勢も良くなってきて、なんとドレスのサイズもダウン!💃🏽 体が引き締まって、自信も湧いてきて、ヒップもだんだんセクシーになってきた気がします。


(Hanaoka先生)についてお話しさせてください。この人は、本当に忍耐強くて、何か賞をあげたくなるくらいです。先日、私の「有名な」スピンムーブで、彼をほぼノックアウトしちゃったんです!私も予想してなかったし、彼も予想してなかった...。彼の目の前で人生が走馬灯のように見えたかも?😂 でもジーは笑顔で「大丈夫」と言って、何事もなかったかのようにまた教えてくれるんです。これが、彼がどれだけ素晴らしいかってことですね!毎回、同じステップを何度も何度も繰り返して教えてくれて、本当に感謝しかないです。







