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Amoxil general packaged size - Buy Amoxicillin

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Amoxil general packaged size

Amoxicillin is not appropriate as endocarditis prophylaxis for patients identified as high-risk, including those with prosthetic heart valves, prior endocarditis, and those who have had surgically constructed systemic shunts or conduits. These patients should receive appropriate parenteral antimicrobial therapy. For high-risk patients, give an initial IM or IV dose of ampicillin with IM or IV gentamicin within 30 minutes of starting the procedure followed by 1 g of amoxicillin 6 hours later. Lyme Disease. Oral. 25–50 mg/kg daily (up to 2 g daily) in 2–3 divided doses for 14–21 days for treatment of early localized or early disseminated Lyme disease. 50 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses for 14–28 days for mild Lyme carditis or for 28 days for Lyme arthritis (without associated neurologic disease). Adults and children older then ten years has to take amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day. If the form of disease is serious, the dose is increased to 750mg - 1000mg 3 times a day.
  • amoxil general packaged size