It is VERY DIFFICULT for me to read Japanese.? It is amazing that I made it this far with this page.? I have no idea what I am doing......haha.? But its really fun, like Im trying to read some secret code.? I love Japanese language and I am trying very hard to read and understand it.? bye bye!

Trying to write in 日本語

日本語は難しいですが,but I will try.
今日はここではザーザーと雨がふりました。 今日は働きました。 そして、銀行に行って家に帰りました。 Boring day right?  Sometimes it’s just that way.  今から日本語を勉強します。



Hi! Its me! I never write blogs. I feel like Im talking to myself, but that is notsomething unusual for me anyway. I talk to myself when I am alone sometimes and I talk to my cats and my dog. I always manage to amuse myself somehow. Sooooooooooo anyway. I found a new teacher to
help me with my Japanese language studies. I will call her today and make
arrangements. Im so excited about it! I am forgetting all that I learned with my
first teacher because I have not studied in so long. Yay! Ciao!

What is this website?

Is Ameba a site for friends and music? I think so? I am trying to learn how to use it. Its quite difficult for me to read..........but...........anyway. Will anyone ever read this blog? haha.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................I will most likely be my only friend on this site perhaps. Im doing this for my own self amusement and I have too much free time today. I rarely have this much free la la la la. I think I will make better use of my time now and check back with this later