The day after 9/11.

I wonder about my family in the States.

I haven't heard from them in a long time....

With a melancholic notion, I browsed through many New York images last night.

When I ran into the Woodman's fabulous tribute to our city, once again, I was stunned by the beauty.

Where did I miss this?

How could I, and how did I forget this?

Bitter winter, fabulous summer, gentle autumn,...

This is New York City as I cherished in my youth.

This is New York as I embraced in my days.

...I do miss you.


わが青春の日々のNew York City.


Woody Allenの描いたこのオープニングほど、New Yorkのすべてを美しく表現したものはない。

昨深夜、思春期に一番好きだったこのManhattanとAnnie Hallを流しつつ嗚咽した。

この最も輝いていたNew York Cityはもう存在しない。