










 自称工事現場で働くCivil Engineerは、海外で仕事しているときに仕事の問題について詳しく話をしてきます。その問題を相手に理解させ、本当に大変なんだと思わせ、そして送金要求を持ってくるわけですね。



Hello my love, 

Thank you always for writing me as I am always excited to read from you, I had a meeting today with my client and thereafter we both went to the site for them to inspect my work. Baby, Let me tell you a bit about my business especially the intricacies surrounding it. When we apply for contracts, we do so by creating the impression that we are capable of financing the contract till the end but once our resources starts running short, we sometime sub-contract some part away OR we invite the people who awarded the contract to come and inspect, once they come around for inspection and we see that they are satisfied with the job so far, then we solicit for advance payment in order to carry on, should they decline then we look for financier who are familiar with this line of business. They usually want contractors like me to complete the project before payment because most contractors end up running away with the money without completing the job. At the moment I am out of cash and my credit cards are max out of limits so I need to figure out some things in order for me to get into flight with sarah and come over to you because I really want to look at the house you found for us so I can sort out the payment formalities. 

Out of sight is not out of mind. 
Have a good day and don't forget to smile. 

With Love. 



Hello dear, thank you for your sympathy about my situation. I have inquire for tickets for me and Sarah to come over to Japan and I am sure it won't take much longer for us to come because my work is at the completion stage after I complete this job and get my balance payment from my client I will jump in the next flight to you. 


My US bank credit card has exceed limit and also I took a loan from my bank for the project, so I can't seem to access anything from my bank until I pay back the loan which I took from my bank to start this project. I talked with my clients and they insist on making payment immediately the job is done. 


I just left the site now because i am going to the company where i hired the crane that we use to see if they can change the one we are using at the moment because i think it is parking, it makes terrible noise and we are suspecting hydraulic pressure so, i thought i should take action now before it becomes worse, this has been my fear all night last night and I'm worried about this. I hope everything goes well. 


Have a good evening ! 


With Love, 


