about a suit | ベトナムハノイのオーダーメイドスーツ Tailort

ベトナムハノイのオーダーメイドスーツ Tailort

ベトナムハノイのオーダーメイドスーツ Tailort

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Today , I will write a little for suit .
You like a suit but is many people you detailed ,
Who are not interested or who do not wear much ,
Those who do not know what or somehow also will not be many ?

Because I want you to know more people , the suit knowledge at any time
Will continue to post .
The first step is the suit cloth!
Mainly , Japanese cloth and Italy , but is often in our store ,
Cloth from the United Kingdom are also available .

Traditional weaver of Japan's oldest fabric of Japan (DOMINX).
Simply because it is Japan humid , and craftsmanship with an emphasis on breathability
It is the cloth to shine .
The high moisture content also Hanoi Here is very popular in our store !

Italy fabric , characterized by a glossy smooth .
Stylish sense of Italian has been reflected in the suit .
New materials and techniques are created every time the design changes,
It has been attracting attention from all over the world .
Sense that ends up in a fashionable suit is unique to Italy .

It is characterized by the UK fabric , 's a solid and firm on the other hand .
Color color also calm in basic is preferred , drawing the West ,
It is a suit style of a beautiful silhouette .

How was it?
Thus little by little , the fun of the suit to everyone
I am pleased if you can know .

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