I've been followed. . . |  『 the Missing Piece 』

 『 the Missing Piece 』


Something fluffy bumped into my shins and followed me on my way home.

≧(´▽`)≦ I swear, it was the cutest and fluffiest thing I've ever seen.

I was the only person outside so I really have no idea who owns this cute pup

so I decided to kill time and played with it.

o(^▽^)o It's so fluffy and affectionate~

It even tried to climb on my lap, like it was asking me to carry him.

I swear that if it were some stray dog, I would bring it home with me right on the spot!

But after minutes of playing with the pup on the street,

my neighbor - two lots away from my house went out looking for his dog.

It turns out my neighbor owns it. (^o^;)

Staind - The Bottom
