Xperia X10 マルチタッチ対応公式アナウンス来た! | Draft life with blog

Draft life with blog

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ソース元:Sony Ericsson Product Blog
Work Ongoing on Pinch Zoom for Xperia X10

Xperia X10でマルチタッチ対応は、予想通りVersion2.1xに入ってきそうです!!

Since then, because of the huge reaction to this and the real desire for multi touch expressed by you the users, there has been lots of investigations going on and I now have some good news to disclose. We aim to enable multi touch (pinch zoom) in an over-the-air update for the X10. The timing for this update is still a bit work in progress but it will for most markets be during Q1 next year.

ただし、現在Xperia X10に実装されているデバイスは、ファームアップデートしても機能上制限があるようです

I also want to be clear on what to expect from this feature. The digitizer in the X10 is not perfect when it comes to multi touch, there will as an example be situations like when the movement of the two fingers cross each other on the X- or Y-axis that could cause strange behavior. (There has been much online debating around what is “good” and “bad” Multi Touch in competitor phones and this is following the same lines.)


Therefore we also will not enable it everywhere but the current plan is to enable it for the following use-cases:
- Pinch/Zoom in the web browser.
- Pinch/Zoom in Google Maps.


Let me know if you have specific multi touch enabled apps you want me to test!

頑張れSony Ericssonエンジニアのみなさんがんばれ

以下の動画は、Sony Ericsson公式にマルチタッチテストを行っているところですコレ
