Today I went thrifting. You all know I just love to buy random crap just because I like it, not because I need it, although most times my most interesting and weird findings end up in my shoots.
Today I ventured out of my cave because I wanted to grab a Maison Martin Margiela X H&M piece (a re-edition of a piece from 1989, not sure if the very first collection) that I didn't manage to get when the collaboration was in the stores a few years ago and that I've been craving ever since, how could someone put it on sale, I mean, seriously? Anyway. I also found a pair of denim shorts I wanted to make myself actually, but they were so cheap and the size was the right size and they were just perfect, so why not. Then I noticed that the previous owner made them at least a couple of sizes smaller, but no big deal, just remove the stitching and that's all. Nope. One side was fine like that, the other was cut in such a bad way there's a missing part. Damaged. I could still fix it, but it took more work, effort and time. Most important, it's not back to the original size anyway, just a lil' smaller.
That's when I had an epiphany. Humans are the same. Think of relationships: you find someone that you like, but they don't suit you 100%. You work on them, change them, make them 100% the ideal you have in mind. You cut them open, even, and stitch the pieces back together. Then you break up, that other person no longer "belongs" to you. What happens then? Just like that pair of denim shorts, they need to find some new body to pair up with. On the label the size is perfect for you, they look exactly what you were not even looking for. You try them on, nope, it doesn't work. You check again, you notice the stitches. You do your maths, it looks an easy task, you buy them anyway 'cause you like them so much. Then you realize the damage is actually worse than you expected, but at this point you already cut the whole thing open, either you leave it like this and it's a waste, or you give it a try, work on it, fix it in a way that it suits you although it will never be back to its original state because of that missing part that the previous owner cut off. It's the same with human beings.
So please, people, when you find someone that you like but it's not exactly the perfect idea of mate you have in mind, don't damage them in the process of creating your own personal Prince Charming/I don't know the female equal.
First of all, because it's damn hard for who comes after you to deal with the damage you made and that's, frankly speaking, annoying as fuck.
Secondly, because if the missing part is too big there's nothing to do.
