Uh oh, long time no see. Again. Since the doctor put me on a three-four days break from the outside world (my tonsils salute you, dearly), I thought I might as well waste invest this sudden stream of free time I have on my hands updating this desolated lands blog.
Well well well, what can I tell.
April was hard but cool, did lots of interesting stuff and works and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the outcome. It was hard because I got a couple of not so nice news and generally speaking things didn't go the way I planned so I had to think and think things over. This leads us to May.
May was weird. Like, believe me, just random. Long story short, I suddenly decided to go away for like, six days, turned out I stayed away almost one month. Because you see, when you find yourself in the middle of things, and things are happening, and the energy is high and the people are, well, high as well, you can't go and not see what's up next. So I fucked up my plans back "home", like, entirely (well, not really "fucked up", let's say I had to choose between a few doors and I didn't choose the easiest ones, so to speak), and I stayed a little longer to see the developements. To, uhm, plant a few seeds and hopefully they'll grow into big, huge trees one day? You gotta start somewhere, someone said. "I can resist anything except temptation", my life long idol Oscar Wilde stated. And hell it's the case. It was well worth it, I'd do it again and I probably will soon lol
Then back here, work, stop, work, and my body decided to crash down. I haven't felt quite OK for a few days now, like I can't sleep at night and I sleep way too much in the day time and my mood is so down if I dug a hole in the ground and hid myself down there, it would be an improvement. But Tuesday was so bad. I went to the doctor's and she said "Oh yeah it's this virus that lasts one day, you'll be better tomorrow, not all OK but quite". My ass. I had to go back yesterday and she filled me with medicines to take and rest for at least three days. I'm not happy, so not happy. But ha, whatever. The fact that I found out that one of the doors I kept open because I'm an idiot I like to keep my word even when it means sticking around assholes going against my own interest is actually the first door I should have shut for good obviously contributes to this general...uhm...whatever it is. BUT! Nevermind, we still have Milan Man Fashion Week and the city is floaded with hot sexy young not so young whatever guys from everywhere and it's basically eye candy everytime I head to basically ANYWHERE, so well, it could be worse. This is my inner Oscar Wilde speaking, I'm afraid. Or maybe Paris Hilton?
So yeah, I'm just counting the days like an inmate in some Colombian prison.
Meanwhile, I just think I miss Japan so bad I'd fly there tomorrow, even tonight. And, last but no least, I know it's not Japanese, it's Korean (shit I haven't watched my Korean drama in like one month and everytime I'm like "Yeah I should watch it just to see how it ends" and then I end up watching The Big Bang Theory as usual), but still...YAY for TEAM H's brand new video!!

I like their first songs better, but uhm, it's Jang Keun Suk, he can do whatever he wants lol