...check this out and VOTE (for me)...

In one week I'm going to be in H. and can't wait, but I'm also a bit scared チョコレート I'm just eating chocolate all the time to cheer myself up but seems it doesn't work.
This afternoon I was in front of the computer doing some pr stuff and suddenly I had to write TIAMOTIAMOTIAMOTIAMO all over the place. I just feel in this TIAMO mood, like an explosion or something. Just need to get it off my chest, but blah!
I finally took an epic decision. I needed to. I will put it into practice as soon as possible. It might take some time to develop into a satisfying way, but at least I made up my mind for good, still a good starting point at least.
...uhm...nah, all I can think of right now is TIAMOTIAMOTIAMOTIAMOTIAMO, hopefully tomorrow when I wake up I'll be back to normality. Sort of.


カチンコ p.s. I highly suggest you to watch "Bruno", brilliant movie which will help you opening your eyes and figuring out the shitty reality we're all currently living in while you'll be laughing your ass off from the beginning to the end, serious ハロウィン

p.p.s. TIAMO 口紅