Photo by Balsara

This is basically how I'm feeling at the moment.
I'm fed up with everything and everyone right now.
I've been thinking and pondering a lot lately, of life, death, present, past, future. And I've just got to the conclusion that in my life I've never really chosen anything, things just happened, and I followed the stream. Just rolled with it.
Throughout all those years I've met so many people, so many I cannot even remember them all. Most of them chose on their own to get close to me, and you know what? They are the ones who let me down. The few people I personally picked up out of the bunch are still there, in a way or another. Sometimes their behavior is disappointing and they do stupid senseless stuff and they say so much bullshit sometimes I wonder how the hell is that possible, but in the end they're still there. We are all just poor sad human beings after all, I tend to forget it too easily.
The point is. Fate is powerful, but it counts nothing without Will. The few times I felt really happy in my life are the times I did it my way with no compromise, following what I thought it was the best for me. And I'm afraid it's time to do it my way again.
On a lighter note.
Probably going to have my hair done later today, I want to change haircut. You know that when you change your hair is like...a symbol, meaning you're starting a new path in your life. And also that you haven't been at the hair dresser's for like...six months, but that's another story オバケ

And then.

...btw, for you who care, I've got one project. Starting from tomorrow and for ONE WEEK I'll stay away from my mobile phone and from my "personal" pages on the Internet. Which means NO AMEBA, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE.
I seriously need to get away from things in order to put them in the right perspective.
Until then.
See you space cowboys.