うちは汚いんです | 読んだ積もり




Today, I tried to clean our house. It was always so messy and I didn't think I could live with it anymore. First thing I touched was the mountain of regi-bukuro(the plastic bag super markets give out to shoppers). It was totally completely a wrong choice. Because it became the last thing which I cleaned for today. Actually I just classified them by size. There were hundreds of them. It was crazy.
I remenber the time when plastic bags were something special at the super market. I was a little kid wondering would the super market lady really give them to us for free? Until then paper bags were major. But they were a little inconvenient to carry with.
Now plastic bags are nothing. We don't appreciate them anymore. But I feel someday we will face the generation where there is no more free plastic bags....If we keep on like we are doing.
I hold 5 of them neatly and put into my backpack which I wil bring tomorrow. I will refuse to receive any plastic bags as I already have hundereds of them. If a clerck offers me a bag which has cute and lovely prints on, and if it is so tiny, I may not, but as much as possible, I will.
Now there are so many books at bookstores which encourage people to throw away things to live in a simple and clean house. I think this is a trend.
But it seems like only throwing away and get rid of things is not an ultimate solution. It may clean your house but not clean the whole earth.
Last week I saw there started a campaign called "Mottainai".
I really agree the concept and would like to follow the slogan. But just worries me is they sell the T shirts which have Mottainai slogan on them. To follow the concept, why don't we stop making new products for it? Contradiction was the word came to my mind...
