海外オタからあきちゃへのメッセージ1 | 高城亜樹-あきちゃ-応援活動まとめ


当ブログはAKB48を卒業した高城亜樹さん-a.k.a あきちゃ-を応援する世界各国のファンによる 1)応援活動記録、2)応援のための必要情報をまとめたものです。









あなたがインドネシア語で発信を始めた時、とてもあなたを誇りに思いました。新しいTeam Jの公演があなたのソロで始まると知った時も、とても誇らしかったです。あなたがJKTのメンバーをひっぱっていこうとしているという発言を聞いた時も、そうでした。

あなたがTeam Bを兼任すると聞いた時、残念に思った事も憶えています。ある友人があなたはJKTが好きじゃなかったんだと言った時、なぜ彼はわたしのようにあなたを信じる事ができないのかと、とても悲しく思いました。







アメリカ オクラホマのファン


Dearest Akicha,

It's been 4.5 years since I first noticed you. I was reading an article about AKB48 at Anime Expo in Los Angeles. I had heard of AKB before, but hadn't paid much attention. After reading the article, I decided to listen to some AKB songs and watch some videos online. I went to the website and looked at the member page (in English) and you immediately stood out and made an impression on me.

I began learning everything I could about you. I learned about your agency and about your stage units. I learned about French Kiss and about the other members you were close with. Luckily, some very nice people translated your blog, so I could read about your daily activities and about your dog, Win-kun.

When AKB started streaming events and concerts on YouTube, I took off work and stayed up all night so I could watch you live. I got a subscription to DMM (which is difficult for foreigners) so I could watch your theater performances.

I remember getting up early to watch the election results on YouTube. I remember being sick to my stomach when you didn't make Senbatsu. I remember how sad you were for so long after that night and how sad it made me feel.

I remember waking up one morning to discover you were transferring to JKT. A lot of fans that I knew thought I'd be upset about it. A lot of your foreign fans were upset about it. On the forums and on twitter, people thought it was a mistake. But I knew it was something you had to do. You wanted to challenge yourself and I was determined to support you.

I remember being so proud when you started posting in Indonesian. I remember being proud when I heard your solo opening the new Team J stage. I remember being proud when you said your goal was to be a leader to the JKT girls.

I remember being disappointed when you were called back to be in Team B. I remember my friends saying it was because you didn't like JKT and I remember being sad that they didn't believe in you like I did.

I remember you traveling to Jakarta for a handshake event, your sessions being sold out, but no one being in your line. I remember teaming up with Akicha International Team to send flowers and messages to the theater in Jakarta the next day. The picture you posted on Twitter of you holding the flowers is my phone wallpaper. LOL
I remember you being transferred back to AKB full time. And you seemed like a totally different person. You had learned much in your time in JKT. I remember when your pet fashion brand was launched. I remember when your radio show stated and when your drama was announced. I remember when you started to take the younger members under your wing and be a leader to them. I remember thinking "I hope Hirari and Rena teach her some English!" LOL

I remember how you inspired me to keep trying and challenging myself no matter what happened or what disappointments life threw at me. I remember a lot of things about these last 4.5 years.

But mostly I remember that, no matter what other emotions I felt at the time, I was always so very proud of you for never giving up. For never giving in. For never surrendering to despair. And for always pushing forward to achieve your dreams.

Takajo Aki, congratulations on your 23rd birthday. May the next year be even better than the last. But whatever it brings, know that I will always support you.