【都内高校2年生】 新学期&初めてヒゲを剃る

【Second year in high school in Tokyo】 New Semester&First time in shaving beard




Today is the first day of my son’s school. He is 16 years old now.


Last night, he shaved his beard for the first time in his life as my husband was teaching him how to do it. My son was saying like

“This is scary!” but he did fine.

I can’t believe my cute little son has started shaving his beard!!泣き笑い


I hope he will meet great friends in his new class.お願い


My father-in-law majored in mechanical engineering in his university in Brazilブラジル and so did my husband in the USアメリカ so my son is also going to proceed in math/science/tech fields so I will do my best in supporting him though I am not from those background. I will cook tasty obento box every day and cook healthy breakfast and yummy dinner!ニコニコ


Those of you who started the new year, or entered new school, and their parents and families, congratulation!!!!

Hope you all have a great new school year ahead!


Have a great day ahead!グッ