《《《《《Thank you again this year》》》》》 | 《《《《《B A C K S T A G E》》》》》

《《《《《B A C K S T A G E》》》》》

《Fragment of life〜Honest explosion blog》

Before that, I've decided that the update of my blog has decreased from the latter half of this fall to the beginning of winter
Please forgive me^^
It would be an excuse if I told you I was busyNext year I will do my best to increase more blog updates( ´∀`)
Especially this year there were lots of encounters with public and private(^_^)
Of course there are lots of new encounters in this Ameba blog
I was very happy.( ´ ▽ ` )
And do not forget 
My old Ameba friends with old connections alsoIt is truly appreciated for seeing my blog for a long time(^ ^)
Thank you very much for your blog exists now that you are supported by everyone
See you next year(^_-)