It was rainy. I went to Sakurapia for the music band practice in the morning.

Today, a pianist called Kanako Koizumi came and helped us. Her piano was very melodious and I liked it. Her piano made my drumming more exciting. It was really nice.

In the afternoon, I went to Saijo to play the percussion instruments. There was a concert at Kamoki Shuzo. It was full of audience in the concert hall. The audiences and I were too close as if I could touch them from my place. So we had eyecontact a heap of times♪ I even had eyecontact with kids in front of me. They were cute♡ One of them imitated me to play the shaker and conga in the air. After that, finally when she rode on her dad's shoulder, she started to beat dad's head like a conga. Lovely girl♡ I enjoyed the concert :D

