hum... today my mum complained about the fact, that I'm always on the move.

I know it's true, but I force myself to enjoy my freetime as long as possible. - ( On monday, I'll start working at WEPA (they ship pharmacy stuff..) )

I dunno if it's right up my street, cause always being busy is really exhausting at the moment.

Yesterday, Chris threw a party, cause his parents went on holiday, together with his little brother.

Unfortunately it wasn't THAT funny... instead it was more relaxing. - Probably I had too high expectations

.I also disliked, that Chris made out with my ex gf Sarah.

She is still something special for me, eventhough we broke up a few months ago...

Today, I visited Lisa. It was her 21. birthday party クラッカー

I prepared some crappy presents for her ( an artificial bulrush, cornflakes, chervil seeds and a coupon for a romantic evening ;D ).

I was a bit disappointed, because she wasn't that happy to receive these funny presents... I took great pains to design the greeting card!! しょぼん

At the moment I'm permanently listing to the song "I feel like I'm fixin' to die rag" by Country Joe and The Fish, an ironical invitation to participate in the vietnam war.

It's a really stunning song and it always manages to give me the creeps.

I suppose that I think a lot about this topic because of my friends who joined the German Federal Armed Forces.

Of course I know, that they are just taking part in the compulsive basic education, but nevertheless it's a strange feelings when I see these pictures of soldiers in the video slideshows.

Tomorrow I'll start my trip to Paris! That'll be awesome!

ha ha, I'm forced to plunder my bank account because of colette!
