At the same time, Folding Prefabricated Office House has a lot of peripheral categories: the poor, the old, the young, the unemployed, the pitman, the gypsy, the orphan, the student.

When set on solid foundations, they are cyclone/hurricane proof, would survive earthquakes and landslides better and can be used either above or below ground level.

Of course there are some limitations. Modules predominately come in 8-foot widths and either 10 or 40-foot lengths. Cutting them smaller would compromise their design strength. They already come at standard ceiling height for housing. However, sidewalls can be opened up for wider living areas, but designs need to be multiples of the standard dimensions of shipping containers. And of course, they look like shipping containers, unless of course, with a little imagination, you clad them as you would any other form of housing. And there will be some building authorities for whom these are outside their ability to perceive the benefits and approve.

Realistically the limitations are only our lack of imagination in utilizing these amazing building blocks for safer, environmentally friendlier, more economical shipping container housing. They have been approved as housing structures and additions in various authorities around the world and any change takes some effort to bring about.

For those who can catch the vision, here is an opportunity waiting to be explored further.

There is another type of Folding Prefabricated Office Container that I would like to discuss: the shipping container house. Yep, I'm talking about those giant steel boxes that travel across the world on ships. Well now they can be converted into homes. And this is something that I am a bit too excited about. Just search the internet for some examples. You will find plenty of images of these awesome shipping container houses. But for a few moments I am going to be realistic. Here are three important things to consider before owning a shipping container house.

Shipping containers are made to hold heavy loads and to be placed one on top of the other on the decks and in the holds of freighters. They are also designed to resist nasty conditions like being sprayed with water and road salt in the course of transport. This makes shipping containers an ultimate structural platform for a construction project.
Many people are considering modular construction when embarking on a new home or light commercial building project. Modular construction has evolved by leaps and bounds over the past decades, gone are the days of modular construction being simply another name for trailers. Today when a modular construction project is completed most people would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a modular building and a "stick built" building.

 Folding prefab house offers many benefits over traditional construction including an accelerated construction schedule; traditional construction requires that the foundation be installed first before the building can be built. Using modular construction, you would be building the building in the plant at the same time the foundation is being installed in the field; once the building modules are delivered the main structure is completed in a matter of days versus weeks in traditional construction. Other benefits include reduced weather delays, site vandalism and theft to name a few.

Those that take the modular concept one step further and decide to use shipping containers as the basis for their modular may find even greater advantages - if they are careful.