14 minutes ago - PDF Social Movements and the New State: The Fate of Pro-Democracy Organizations When Democracy Is Won | The world's democracies cheered as the social movements of the Arab Spring ended the reigns of longstanding dictators and ushered in the possibility of democracy Yet these unique transitions also fit into a broader pattern of democratic breakthroughs around the globe, where political leaders emerge from the prodemocracy movement that helped affect change In Social Movements and the New State, Brian Grodsky examines the relationships between new political elites and the civil society organizations that brought them to power in three culturally and geographically disparate countries8212 Poland, South Africa, and GeorgiaThis book argues that the identities and personal networks developed during the struggle providemovement activistswith opportunities to influence minor issues, but that new and differing institutional pressures create schisms on broader policy that can turn prior bonds into a liability rather than an asset Drawing on media analyses and more than 150 elite interviews,