



放送日2024年6月24日(月) ※テレビ東京「Youは何しに日本へ?」











EPITHYMiA's overseas HOPE has been chosen by YOU.

EPITHYMiA will also appear! Please check it out!!

Broadcast date: Monday, June 24, 2024

TV Tokyo's 'Why Did You Come to Japan?' 

Main broadcast (terrestrial broadcast, airing date and time may vary by region)

※TVer (real-time and 1-week missed broadcast)

※U-NEXT (available for 1 year after the broadcast)


Broadcast on June 24, 2024
Why Did You Come to Japan? 

[The Idol Who Saved a Life]
An American woman is going to a live concert of EPITHYMIA, a male dance vocal group. She became passionate about them because they gave her courage during a series of tough times. This time, she wants to express her gratitude directly to them, so we followed her closely. During the concert, she is ecstatic! However, when faced with the members in person, she becomes shy... Will she be able to convey her gratitude?




They are also streaming live on TVer.






Amazing! Thanks to our wonderful fans, EPITHYMiA is debuting on terrestrial TV.



