


 one…,the other….
 anther = an+otherと考える

◇It is no wonder that S should have p.p

◇I can not agree with you.
 = My opinion deffer from yours.

◇most of A →限定された名詞
  most of (×the) students= almost all (of) the students

◇with reference to ガチャピン   ガチャピンに関して

◇out of~
 ont of breath→息が切れて
 out of work→作業中
 out of place→場違いな
 out of the way→Aの邪魔にならないように
 out of (ガチャピン's) reach→ガチャピンの手の届かないところに

◇at any cost  ぜひとも / どんなに犠牲を払っても

  =at all cost

◇for the most part たいてい / 大部分

◇to the best of ガチャピン's ability  ガチャピンの能力の及ぶ限り

◇to the effect that S+V  …という趣旨の(で)
  to the same effect  同じ趣旨の

◇read between the line  行間を読む

for the time being
for the present
for the monent

at the time  昔は / 同時に
once and for all  これを最後に

on end = continuously

◇in person 自分で

◇That is how

That is the way それが~する理由です

◇That is why

That is reason

That is reason why そうゆう訳で

◇That is because  それは~だからです


  The storm raged all night , during which time climbers waited to be rescued .

◇in which case  その場合

◇on condition (that)・・・   ・・・という条件で


 as though

as if

◇譲歩のwhile ~なので

 While I want to believe , I cannot .

Scarcery had S done ・・・when


  Scarcery had we started lunch when the doorbell rang .

◇as S be  そのままの姿

◇as it were いわば

◇The moment S+V~ 


◇for a week 1週間の間

  during the week その週の間

◇many a ガチャピン 多数のガチャピン → 単数扱い

◇How do you like ガチャピン ?

  What is ガチャピン like ? ガチャピンはどのようなものか?

◇what ・・・for ? 何のために~するのか=why


Nener have I read such an interesting story.

= On few occasions was he willing to ask for any help .

◇Beit ever so humble どんなにみすぼらしくても

Nobody knows what will happen next.

 = Who knows what will happen next ?

◇How about ~ing?


◇both → 複数扱い


◇no nothin whatever まったく~ない


 on earth

 in the world


It is not until ・・・that~   ・・・してはじめて~する

It was not until the age of fifty taht he was known in literary circles.


if any

if ever

◇never ・・・・without doing ・・・すると必ず~する


  I said to Tom,“Let's have adrink.”

 → I suggest to Tom that we (should) have a drink.

  He said to me “Will you have some tea ?”

 → He asked me if I would have some tea.

 She said to the boys,“Why did you laugh?”

 → She asked the boys why they had laughed.

  My sister said,“I wish I were a boy .”

 → My sister said that she wished she were a boy.



Is anything the matter with the dog?


They had to take turns pushing the car.


What is it that you have in your pocket?


She asked me who I thought would win the tounament.


 What do you think is the best film that you have een this year?



  What it is like to be poor .


  The train will get you there in half the time .


  It is up to the government to take action on violence.


  Few people are so competent that they can succeed without effort.